ࡱ> BDA :)bjbjVV 4:<< !,8,;!fWWmmmHHH  $w"%f HHHHH mm H0mm H mp )x^|  0!%%%HHHHHHH HHH!HHHH%HHHHHHHHH : 鶹ý Council on General Education Corrected Meeting Minutes, 6 October 2011 Elected Members Present: Patrick McGinty (Soc/Anthro, Chair), Jess White (Soc/Anthro, Vice Chair), Diana Allen (English/Journalism), Esteban Araya (Physics), Jongnam Choi (Geography), Keith Holz (Art), Zee Mutairi (SGA), Cynthia Struthers (IIRA), Pengqian Wang (Physics), Dean Zoerink (RPTA), Ginny Boynton (History, Secretary) Ex-officio Members Present: Nancy Parsons (Provosts Office), Russ Morgan (Deans Council) Elected Members Not Present: Cheryl Bailey (Communication), Andrea Hyde (EIS) Ex-officio Member Not Present: Candace McLaughlin (Advisors Council) Guests: Aimee Shouse, Lori Baker-Sperry CGE Chair Patrick McGinty called Councils meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in 60 Horrabin Hall on the Macomb campus. He informed the Council that due to the illness of Andrea Hyde, the Council would not need its usual video-conference connection to the Quad Cities campus for this meeting. Minutes, Announcements, Reports Cynthia Struthers moved approval of the September 22 Minutes; Dean Zoerink seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved as written. Chairperson McGinty reminded members that all departments General Education Assessment Reports were due the next day (October 7) to Interim Associate Provost Nancy Parsons. Dr. Parsons noted that departments reports had been slowing rolling into her office. Dr. McGinty reported that he has begun maintaining an Excel spreadsheet (which he shared with Council members) to monitor the status and disposition of Transfer Articulation requests sent to the various CGE Transfer Articulation Subcommittees. General Education Assessment Aimee Shouse and Lori Baker-Sperry, both of whom had chaired the General Education Review Committee during different years of its existence, were present to provide background on the history of General Education assessment at 鶹ý and on the role of CGE in Gen Ed assessment. Dr. Shouse explained that prior to the NCA accreditation visit in 2001, each of the categories of General Education had their own goals. After that visit, Gen Ed assessment was dismantled at the university level and decentralized to the Colleges. The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) restarted assessment within its General Education courses, using embedded assessment techniques, but that was dropped when the then-current Provost retired. In 2005, the General Education Review Committee (GERC), composed of the then-current membership of CGE plus several additional people with Gen Ed experience at 鶹ý, was established by the Faculty Senate and the University President, and was charged (in part) with developing a new assessment plan for the universitys General Education curriculum. GERC transformed the previous category goals into descriptors of those categories, and developed six measurable goals (based on the earlier CAS plan) for the Gen Ed curriculum as a whole. GERC also changed the assessment plan to give CGE more responsibility for interpreting and applying the results of Gen Ed assessment; subsequently, the Senate Bylaws were changed to incorporate that expanded role for CGE (particularly e, f, g, and h in CGEs Duties). Dr. Baker-Sperry, who in addition to being a former CGE Chair and a member of GERC, is also the University Assessment Coordinator in the Provosts Office, shared her concerns that the fourth step in the assessment process the feedback loop is the area most in need of strengthening at this time. She expressed her concern that too much reliance was being placed on administrative personnel, who are not permanent, rather than on the faculty governance structure (CGE), which is. She suggested that CGE play a role in meeting with departments to discuss the feedback loop and how they are making use of their Gen Ed assessment data to review and if necessary improve their curriculum. Dr. Baker-Sperry suggested the possibility of a CGE subcommittee that would be charged specifically with oversight of assessment. Interim Associate Provost Nancy Parsons expressed her desire to ensure that all levels (Provosts Office, CGE, departments, faculty) are actively involved in the process, because assessment is an extremely important component of quality programs. She echoed Dr. Baker-Sperrys emphasis on the need to strengthen the feedback loop, with both CGE and the Provosts office working together on that fourth step of the assessment process closing the loop by incorporating feedback into curricular change, when needed. Dr. Parsons suggested that CGE send representatives to meet with departments to update them on what data we have collected and to learn how they have made use of that data within their departments. Jess White expressed her concern that CGE not take on the role of policing individual faculty members teaching. Dr. Parsons agreed that CGEs role was instead in the realm of policy and general oversight of the Gen Ed curriculum. Dr. Parsons pointed out that assessment data is not and contractually cannot be used in the evaluation of individual faculty members for retention, promotion, or tenure. Chairperson McGinty reiterated that CGE is not and should not be a watchdog group. The concern is where the line is that we do not want to cross now, so that we do not start down the slope toward policing faculty. He also expressed concerns about the relationships of the University Assessment Coordinator to CGE and to the Provosts Office. The role of CGE in assessment is to obtain a better understanding of what is happening within the General Education curriculum. He agreed with Drs. Baker-Sperry, Shouse, and Parsons that CGE could do more to encourage ongoing data-driven curricular review. He suggested that before we can tighten the linkages between assessment and curricular change, General Education needs to be accepted as more central and valuable to the universitys mission and that we need greater departmental and faculty support for Gen Ed assessment. Dr. McGinty read the draft of the letter to Department Chairs and Deans on Gen Ed assessment that he had prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting, as he had agreed to do at the September 22 meeting. This led to a discussion of how best to get faculty members to embrace assessment as a valuable tool for determining ways to enhance student learning in our courses and improve education at 鶹ý. Associate Dean Russ Morgan suggested that faculty members would better understand the value and benefits of assessment if they knew that assessment data was being used to enhance student learning. He pointed out that providing greater feedback to departments about assessment data that has been collected might encourage a greater level of support for assessment among faculty members. The Council considered various ways in which the data could be collected and reported, including having departments collect it by course but report it out to CGE and the Provosts office by goal. (Since in a number of cases, Gen Ed courses are taught by only one person in a department, reporting by course is the same as reporting by individual faculty member.) Dr. Parsons reiterated her earlier reminder that assessment data is not and contractually cannot be used in personnel evaluations of individual faculty members. Council members were not certain who or what had instigated the change from the earlier procedure of departments collecting and reporting data on a representative sample of sections to the current procedure of collecting and reporting data from every section of every course in every semester. Dr. McGinty will check on whether that directive came from the Senate, to whom CGE reports, or from the Provosts Office. Dr. Parsons asked for clarification on what CGE needs from the Provosts Office, in terms of assessment data, and what procedures CGE had in place for backing up the raw data that departments reported to the Provosts Office. She also asked that CGE produce written reports on concerns arising from the Councils analysis of assessment data; such reports would then be provided to the Senate and shared with the Provosts Office. The Council having exhausted its allotted time, CGE adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Remaining agenda items will be considered when the Council meets next, on Thursday, 20 October 2011. 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